May 12, 2023

Emma Bingham visiting from Georgia Tech

Emma Bingham and Dr. Pedro Márquez-Zacarías in the desert of New Mexico

This week my friend and colleague Emma Bingham visited from the Ratcliff Lab @ Georgia Tech. We had very productive discussions about relational models, control in complex systems, and anticipatory behavior. We also had some time to explore the surroundings. We got stuck up in the Sandia Mountains tramway, because the wind was too strong for a safe descent. At least the view from up there made the wait for our rescue much better:

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Poster for a symposium about Robert Rosen
Nov 25, 2024

I participated in UNAM's 2nd symposium on the philosophy of computation, talking about the history and foundations of relational biology

Logo for the School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU
Nov 4, 2024

I had a great time visiting the folks at the new School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU. I gave a talk on relational models of self-organization.

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